Tuesday, March 31, 2015

Just Click!


Just Click!

Taking action to change the world has never been easier. Last year a phenomenon sky rocketed across Facebook; The Ice Bucket Challenge. This challenge entailed nominating three friends to dunk themselves in ice water to support ALS. Those three friends would then post videos of them doing the challenge and nominate three more friends, and so on. The Ice Bucket Challenge soon spread all across social media, the news and the world raising a total of $220 million worldwide. So how did this happen with just the click of a finger tip?

The dictionary defines Clicktivism as "the use of social media and other online methods to promote a cause." Everyone I know uses social media in some way, some more than others. With just the click of a finger you can be in contact with someone across the world. Social media makes it so simple to support a cause or function because all you have to do is click. Clicktivism does not only support a cause but it also is the use of media for practicing social change or activism. The term Clicktivism often gives the user a sense of self by clicking "like", but might make them forget to check up or donate, which is one of the biggest hurdles, developing fully committed participants. Some critics claim that clicktivism is only "slacktivism" and that it lacks the power to bring change that many activists hope for. Some common slacktivism acts include signing internet petitions, joining organizations without contributing and copy/pasting statuses or altering ones personal data. I am sure the majority of us can relate to a few of these terms that are identified with slacktivism.
We plan on using a form of Clicktivism in hopes of making a successful Commons Campaign. Researchers have stated that activism campaigns have more than doubled over the last decade, to more than 70 percent, which is why we believe our online work will benefit Good Dog Rescue. The biggest firms have brought activism campaigns mainstream and have made it more acceptable. We hope to gain interest of others by using puppies as our bait. Who doesn't love puppies? The internet is the ultimate tool of distraction. People are connected through online networks and social media which is why we believe that we will draw attention to college students and the whole University of Nebraska Lincoln community. We have learned that one key factor to success is the access you have, which is why we will be accessing the community through three very popular social media chains: Facebook, Instagram and Twitter. We hope to see you "click" when you see our Commons Campaign act!
I have attached two great links including information about how the Ice Bucket Challenge came about and an essay over clicktivism.  

Ice Bucket Challenge



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